Tehachapi News: New BVS wildfire plan emphasizes preparedness, shelter-in-place
Claudia Elliott of the Tehachapi news covered the May 12th Board meeting.
Click HERE to read the article.
If you'd like to see what the DPAC presented, you can find it beginning on page 29 of the most recent Board Package.
“I don’t want people to be afraid,” Matheson said, noting that work done by the advisory council is intended to give residents the information they need to be prepared.
The new plan provides the community with clear direction as to the importance of individual and community preparedness, communications, early warning and evacuation. It also recognizes existing limitations, recommends some improvements and provides a roadmap for residents and the district to use and adapt in the future.
Following a unanimous vote of approval by the board, President Greg Hahn commended Matheson and members of the advisory council for their work. He also encouraged residents to watch the Netflix documentary “Fire in Paradise.” The film uses actual footage from the disaster to illustrate how difficult it is for people to try to leave an area during a wildfire at the same time emergency responders are trying to use the same roadway.