Committee Volunteers Sought
The CSD Board of Directors is looking for you to bring your talents as a citizen volunteer to one of the following District committees:
- Administration - The Administration Committee reviews personnel, general District policy, and other management matters.
- Finance - The Finance Committee reviews budgetary and other financial matters.
- Infrastructure - The Infrastructure Committee reviews plans for the development, operation and maintenance of District infrastructure.
- Public Safety - The Public Safety Committee reviews public safety issues such as police, disaster preparedness and response programs, and fire protection.
If you are interested in serving on any of the above committees as a volunteer, submit a letter of interest to:
Bear Valley CSD
Attention: Committee Recruitment
28999 S. Lower Valley Rd
Tehachapi, CA 93561
Or email your letter to, Subject: Committee Recruitment
Letters must be received by February 28, 2021 and should briefly describe your experience relative to the committee you are applying for. Resumes are optional.
Citizen volunteers will be appointed in March for a two-year term. A valuable resource to the Board of Directors in serving the community, a committee's authority is limited to providing advice and making recommendations to the Board consistent with the tasks assigned. All committees must comply with the provisions of the California Government Code concerning the calling of public meetings.
There is probably at least one committee of interest to you! Don’t delay….turn your letter of interest in TODAY!